Silent Conversations

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Meeting to Part or Parting to Meet?

She left her home. One long second she stood there staring at the new world and then she started her journey. She took her first step, wondering what future had in store for her. She felt alone and weak, but was compelled to move forward; for this is the path destiny has chosen for her; for this is the path that will take her to where she belongs; and where she is expected to bestow her responsibility.

She met him soon on her way. She realized at that very instant that he has come to be with her and guide her safely to her destination. In time she became attached to him. 'Alone' no longer existed. They sang the words together to play the best music world has ever listened to. He took her safely with him and together they explored the new world and enjoyed the beauty of life.

She listened to the many things he told her on the way. And each time she listened, she learnt something new – about him; about herself; and about the world. Somehow she felt he wasn’t a stranger in the world which seemed new only to her. She learned to trust his instincts and just follow him wherever he took her. She couldn’t help but trust and depend on him.

From strangers to friends, and then to best friends they traveled far along the path of friendship, avoiding the bumps and always in step with each other. But all good things come to an end and so is this path; the path which helped her find a new friend; the path which taught her the secrets of life; the path which molded her to take up her responsibility; the path which took her to her destination; Yes. He brought her safely to where she belonged and now had to depart.

And when the path came to an end, the wonderful times they shared faded to the past. The road now seemed long. Yes, the road gets hard and things seem rough; but deep in her heart she knows that this is the way it was supposed to be; this is the point till where their association was to be.

She decided to explore all the bends of life with all its terrors, all its adventures, all its mysteries and all its joys. And all this she has to pursue by herself. He will not be with her always hereafter. But yes, he promised he will come to her in her time of need – that is what friends are for. His friendship is now a part of her world and has a special place in her heart.

And then they parted and took different paths at the cross road - wondering whether they met for parting or are parting to meet, and hoping they would meet some day.

This was how it was supposed to be for this is the story of the rain drop which was assisted by air in reaching its destiny.

Posted by sugi :: 4:44 AM :: 3 comments

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

God's Gift

I hear your voice through the wind,
and in the clouds I see your name.
You bring life to the world along with you
You are a precious gift from world above.

So happy do I feel
when I see your lovely smile.
The way you laugh and care for others
by going beyond that extra mile.

Your simple presence
gives me joy
Add your voice and a smile,
and I melt away.

Sometimes you seem to be calm,
making me feel absolutely lost.
Sometimes you are full of fury and anger
making me sense danger.
Sometimes you are too impatient and too intolerant.
You allow the stresses of life to mould you
and allow the people to experience the result of their folly.

I know your imperfections as well as your perfections,
know your negatives as well as your positives.
And I find I love you not in spite of those,
but as much because of them as anything else.
I treasure that spark within you.

I love the way we have fun doing the strangest things,
or the way we can enjoy each other doing nothing at all.
We always have fun with each other,
you enjoying the thrill of life,
me just enjoying you.
Your life has touched mine
and have changed my life
in ways I could never describe in depth.

There are days
when you bring out the child in me
bubbling with joy
and giggling at sweet nothings.

You give me strength to smile
when my mind is tired and heart is weak.

You share my joy and laugh with me
when life rewards me with marvelous gifts.

You are more precious
than all of the world's gold.
I only wish to see you more,
And make each moment last
The times I spend with you,
make my heart complete.
Without you,
the future is obsolete.
Hope the world understands that
and appreciate you
as much as I do, my dear water.

Posted by sugi :: 4:01 AM :: 3 comments

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Technorati Profile

Posted by sugi :: 4:46 AM :: 0 comments

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